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Realgres Large Format Porcelain Tile | All Porcelain Customization

All-porcelain custom space display

Do you know ?

Prior to the tile custom furniture, only the door panel made all-ceramic, other structures still use traditional materials, which did not use the functional evolution, and the products of Realgres large porcelain slab, the cabinet, door panel, countertop are porcelain materials. This is the true all-porcelain furniture, durable and sturdy, and easy to install, twice the speed of traditional wooden kitchen cabinet installation.

Why use porcelain tiles instead of traditional materials?

This is based on the advanced technology of Realgres large porcelain slab tiles. It has the advantages of fireproof and high temperature resistance, zero penetration and no pollution, impact resistance and scratch resistance. It is used for furniture customization, formaldehyde-free, more durable, and lasts for a long time. The 30-year warranty is not deformed.

If you like this, welcome to contact us

Realgres large format porcelain tile


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Email: info@realgres.com